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Showing posts from 2008


Few Joys over the last couple of weeks! Share in Steven's and Chase's wedding--what a treat! Walked in the Crop Walk to remind myself that I am not in want, to raise a little money, and to bring awareness of many who are in need of the basic needs. Visited Fear Farm with Mike--for those who know the last time I visited a haunted house, you will be happy to hear that this time I did not deck a mummy. Spent last weekend with Anna and Lydia and had a great time visiting Hillridge Farm for the pumpkin patch. This weekend...I've got to have some wonderful down time! While it is such a gift to share in so many people's lives....I've also found joy in moments alone. What brings you joy? It is so easy to not stop long enough to think on them....stop and count your joys.

Just few thoughts!

It has been a while since I've posted on the blog, so I thought it was time I put some thoughts out. I just finished the book A New Earth. I know....and Oprah book club book....but I started reading it before it became part of the club. I'm grateful! Since the book....I've slowed down enough to have a chat with a deer, a bunny, and to not just smell the roses, but to hear that a tulip doesn't worry about not being a rose. The other great gift of the book is a Jesus that I understand. Who knew A New Earth could offer me a Jesus that seminary never introduced me to. Hello Jesus, it's nice to meet you....again! So, just a few thoughts to see if I could remember how to blog!